Choosing the right geometric angle of the graphite tool can help to reduce the vibration of the tool. In turn, the graphite workpiece is not easy to collapse.
(1) Land Angle
When the negative land angle is used to process graphite, the blade strength is good, the impact resistance and the friction resistance are good. With the decrease of the negative land angle absolute value, the wear area of the back blade surface changes little, but the overall trend is decreasing. When using the land angle processing, with the increase of the land angle, the cutting edge strength of the tool is weakened, but lead to increased wear after the knife surface. When the negative land angle processing, the cutting resistance is big, increased the cutting vibration. When using dazheng land Angle machining, tool wear is serious, cutting vibration is also large.
(2) Lip Relief Angle
If the Lip Relief Angle increases, the cutting edge strength of the tool decreases, and the wear area of the knife surface increases gradually. Tool Lip Relief Angle too large, cutting vibration to strengthen.
(3) Helix Angle
Helix Angle is small, the same cutting edge cutting graphite workpiece at the same time on the blade length of the longest, the largest cutting resistance, the largest cutting impact force the tool bears. Thus tool wear, milling force and cutting vibration are the largest. When helix angle is large, the direction of the milling resultant force deviates from the surface of the workpiece to a large extent, the graphite material due to the collapse of the cutting impact intensified, so tool wear, milling force and cutting vibration are also increased.
Therefore, the influence of tool angle change on tool wear, milling force and cutting vibration is a combination of land angle, Lip Relief Angle and helix angle, so we must pay more attention to the selection.